Department name

Department of Engineering
for Innovation

Management Science and Engineering Laboratory

The laboratory originates from the e-Business Management Section of Scuola Superiore ISUFI (University of Salento).
The Lab's research focus concerns business management, technology innovation and entrepreneurship, and digital transformation to activate and support innovation processes in organizations and territories.

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The research lines explored by the Lab's team are several, such as digital innovation and transformation of organizations and clusters; process management and coordination systems

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The laboratory aims at investigating the challenges and exploring the opportunities of organizations and territories willing to experiment innovation.

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The Lab takes advantage of a wide range of tools, among these an e-Business suite to simulate the processes of a digital enterprise; a simulator for creating and managing a company...

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Asset Publisher

 Provincial road Lecce-Monteroni - 73100, Lecce (Italy)
Campus Ecotekne - "Building O", ground floor
 +39 0832 29 7960


Prof. Giuseppina Passiante

University of Salento - Department of Engineering for Innovation

Campus Ecotekne, Building O – Euromediterranean Incubator “Aldo Romano" - Provincial Road Lecce - Monteroni - LECCE (LE)

Tel. +39 0832 29 7960




A list of the laboratory's publications on books, newspapers and trade journals

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Partners and collaborations